Monday, September 1, 2014

Prologue 1

(please note: All the following messages are my ideas, interpretations, and opinions, and they are limited by my own limited thinking and perception. You are the one who knows your truth—trust it.)

The new vocabulary of frequency, vibration, alignment etc. can be a little confusing at first.

I think what the guides are wanting to do here is to help us let go of our close identifications with our physical bodies and the material world. (I'm not suggesting we deny the material world or our bodies, simply let go of our over-identification with them).When we think in terms of frequency or vibration we begin for realize more and more that we are not solid matter, we are much more than that. We also begin to realize that our thoughts can effect and even change our vibrational level.

In the sixties we used to speak of “good and bad vibes.” Good vibes are naturally lighter, freer, and flowing; bad vibes are heavy, uptight, and stuck. I don’t think we have much of a problem realizing that same thing today. If you are in joy and peacefulness, notice your vibration; if you are in fear or anger, notice your vibration.

Perhaps a little “meta/physics” lesson is in order. That’s what metaphysics is—it is the study that goes beyond ordinary, everyday physics and physical laws.

Everything vibrates, and the measure of that vibration is called frequency. We are experiencing this and processing information on a vibrational level all the time. We are already attuned to this knowing and awareness even though we might not be conscious of it. 

Simple example: If you are on an elevator with your eyes closed, you would KNOW if someone else got on, even if they did not make a sound. YOU WOULD KNOW. You would feel a shift in energy, a change in the frequency of vibration that you are sensing or picking up.

When you find yourself in anger, fear, resentment, there is a huge difference in the energy you are giving forth and the energy that you are attracting to yourself as compared to when you are joyful or peaceful. In other words, you are not only vibrating at a particular frequency in those states of mind, you are also, like a magnet, attracting those frequencies to yourself.

We “tune into” a certain frequency, like we are tuning a TV or radio (often we will be doing this unconsciously—-one the goals here is to become consciously responsible for what we are tuned into). 

We can begin to become aware that we have a choice of what station we listen to. Then again we have to be “aligned” to that frequency in order to hear it. I don’t just say to myself, “I could see peace instead of this.” I am needing to choose peaceful thoughts, peaceful actions. In other words, I am aligning myself to the vibration/frequency of peacefulness, not just saying the words. That would be like saying, “I’m on channel 2 right now,” when you are really watching channel 3. You can say you are on channel 2 all you want, but you will continue to be on channel 3 until you change it!

Now this book is proposing that there exists a frequency, a vibrational level, that we are referring to as the Christ Consciousness.
Just stop for a minute and notice that for the last few moments you have not been thinking of yourself in physical terms, you have been perceiving yourself as energy. (Get it?)

OK. Christ Consciousness a very hight frequency. We are working/moving to aligning ourselves to that, and at least part of that alignment is to realize that frequency already exists within us.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog and finding it so helpful as I'm reading Selig's books. Thank you!
