A major theme here is that as we grow, as our frequency/vibrational** level rises, old ideas, behaviors, beliefs and patterns of thought and action begin to fall away.
You don’t have to DO anything to make this happen. It’s not like forcing or pushing something away. As you continue to allow yourself to be consciously aware of THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE, fear, anger, judgment, are no longer compatible with your energy. The old stuff is like a coat that no long fits. It might be a fine coat for someone else, but it no long fits you.
Just imagine yourself putting on a shirt you and when you are eight years old. Just doesn’t fit anymore.
With alcohol it was a different process. For me, I had to quit drinking before anything else was going to happen, but I found that through prayer and willingness, I was relieved of the compulsion, and once that was gone recovery became much more a flow--not always easy, but better.)
The book suggests that the whole world is being offered the opportunity to “wake up.” This book is simply one of the vehicles for this awakening.
You can note this for yourselves both consciously and unconsciously. You have all begun to let go of the structure of religion, whatever form that might have taken for you, and you have allowed yourself to be drawn into deeper sense of Spirituality, a sense of Oneness with God-The Source.
You no longer buy into the idea of separation. (I realize we all slip back into separateness thinking, but we also realize the fallacy in that thinking and we realize no matter how much we might have gotten lost in those thoughts, that they are not who I am.
The Word is the vibration of God in action. Word is action. It is creation. When we say to you, “I Am Word,” we are decreeing ourselves as the Creator in action. When you decree, “I Am Word,” you summon to you your own anchoring as the Christed Self and begin to make this manifest in form. The journey of how to become this energy in a way that you can feel, receive, understand, accept, believe, inhabit in truth is what we are intending for you. This is the freedom of the time. This is the freedom of the time. This is the freedom of the time. (pp. 39-40)
And as a final piece to this section, we are introduced to a core teaching that will be repeated throughout this book. You can even use it as a mantra for moving yourself forward: (I’ve taken the liberty to arrange this information a little differently than the book):
When you affirm, “Word I am Word,” you give to yourself the Word vibration as Self in manifestation and you bring about a process, an alchemical process, that aligns your frequency to the vibration of Word.
(please keep in mind here, “Word” doesn't’ mean just a word—As I mentioned in class “WORD” in the Greek is Logos—in modern day terminology Logos means Christ-Consciousness, an expression of our Oneness with God.
By pronouncing our identity with Word/Logos we are not attempting to create something, we are simply affirming what is lardy true
Here are the steps we take to attune people to the frequency of the Word: 1. I am Word through my being. Word I am Word.
THIS IS THE INITIAL decree to bring the body into alignment with the vibration of the Creator.
2. I am Word through my vibration. Word I am Word.
3. I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word. Word I am Word.
“I am Word through my knowing” very simply says, “I am Word through my consciousness .” We will also say to you, “I am Word through my consciousness” intends you to understand that “I Am Word” signifies itself as consciousness. And so consequently your consciousness frequency becomes Word, or the Creator in consciousness. “I am Word through my understanding of myself.” “I am Word through my belief systems.” “I am Word through all that I know to be true.” All of these affirmations herald information implanting into your energy field that will then realign your energy field to the Christ frequency and to the frequency of the Word. (pp. 41-42).
and so as the book would say, “Thank you and good night!”
**to keep this very simple. Notice within yourself what it feels like to be loving. When you do that you are in the vibration, the frequency of love. It is not any emotion so much as it is a sensation and a knowing.
Now notice within yourself what it feels like to be fearful. Now you are experiencing the vibration, the frequency of fear.
The best way I can put this into words is that the vibration of fear is denser, heavier than that of love, and if we were to continue to use that language, then the heavier/denser vibrations are those that weigh us down, keep us stuck. The higher vibrations, like those of love are lighter, freer more open.
The denser vibrations of anger, fear, judgment are very “sticky” like velcro and attract all kinds of nasty stuff. The lighter vibrations are more like Teflon. There becomes less and less attachment, less and less need for control.
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