Wednesday, October 8, 2014

finishing up the Prologue

Alrighty, then. Here is where it begins—out of the head and into the heart. Out of preconceived ideas and forms; out of our limited ego consciousness, and into the Truth of Who You Are.

This is a step we are all going to take. Many of us are choosing to take it now, but as the Course and many other spiritual teachings remind us, we will all take this step now or later.

“Now ask yourself this: Am I willing, at this time, to engage myself fully in a process of transformation that may require me to release beliefs that I have held to be true? Am I willing now to engage in a process that will ask me to recognize my fear and to absolve it from its path by releasing it completely to the Christ? Am I willing now to be on a path of radical change that will leave me naked and resplendent in my frequency and without the tethers to a past self that are no longer serving me? Am I willing now to go on a journey with the Christ of realizing myself as the child of God made manifest that I am intended to be? If you say, “Yes ,” to this, we will encourage you to read forward. If you say, “Yes ,” to this, we will work with you now. Because we are in frequency, we can work with you where you are, and the resonance of this book will actually be beyond the pages , but will be instilled in the frequency of the words and the intention that this book has been created in.” p. 25

This can be frightening to my limited, little personal ego consciousness, and it seems silly for me to deny that or pretend it is not there. So I want to acknowledge the fear and discomfort, and I want to encourage us to accept that as a normal natural thing, and to know we do not need to let those feelings dictate our lives.

One of my metaphors for this is as follows:

I am standing on a busy street corner, holding a young child who is frightened by all the noise and activity, and he/she becomes truly terrified, crying and squirming, when I begin to cross the street. What do I do? Just stay where I am and never cross the street? Muzzle the kid and tie him up so he stops causing problems?
I can talk, placate and cajole, but at some point no matter if the fear has dissipated or not, I am going to need to take charge and go across the street.

Please notice the “me” that is acting up—the ego—is not the same “me” that is deciding to take action.

We are all dedicated to our spiritual growth. We all realize we do not know what forms or challenges that might take, but we are not alone and this journey is not one of peril so much as it is one of awakening.


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