IDENTIFYING AS WORD 6 with and added piece of NAVIGATION 1
p. 190-201
There are no backward steps on the path, even though it might feel that way. “Two steps forward, one step backward” does not exist on the spiritual journey.
Yes, I screw up; I make mistakes; I make errors in judgement, and all of those can be called steps backward in they eyes of the world, but in this mysterious, remarkable journey of Spirit, we are always moving forward, learning, growing, evolving.
“The Christ that is within you, “Word I am Word” if you wish, the manifestation of this is coming into being. How long it will take is up to you, because you have requirements for your growth. You each do. And this does not absolve you of any responsibility. In fact, it requires you to face yourself again and again and again and regard yourself as perfect, and a perfect creation of the Father, of the Universe, of the Christed Self made manifest. Because that will then enable you to transform, to release, to transmute those energies that impede this being from coming into being in its completeness.”
Throughout this section I was reminded of the Buddha’s expression of the Golden rule, “See yourself in others, who then shall you harm?” I especially recalled this after the beautiful prayer/affirmation :
“I am now standing on a street corner, and my own perfection is reflected back to me through all that I see. I am experiencing myself as my Perfected Self in consciousness. And what is reflected back at me is my own perfection. I have wisdom now available to me and I will ask myself what I need to know. I have understanding available to me and I will consciously connect to my understanding in a way that will give me the information and knowing that I require. I listen with new ears, as I understand the requirements for my own growth. I am Word through this intention, to know myself, to experience myself, as my Christed Self. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
No matter where we find ourselves standing, this would be a wonderful truth to continue to affirm.
As I continue to embrace my own true nature, I cannot help but to embrace yours as well.
In speaking about your spiritual work with others, share what you will, but know that you are not responsible for another’s journey, nor should you let other’s opinion influence you own trip.
A favorite cartoon of mine shows a man tied up in a straight jacket hanging from a tree and below him is a bearded guy serenely sitting and meditating. The caption reads; “What is the difference between mystic and psychotic?” “The mystic knows who not to talk to.”
“I am Word through my being. Word I am Word. I am Word through my consciousness. Word I am Word. I am Word through that which I perceive, that which I hear, that which I know, and that which I understand. I am Word. I am Word. I am Word. So be it.”
Moving with and through the transformations that are occurring.
Jesus reminded us, “You do not pour new wine into old wineskins.” Don’t expect your old ideas to fit with the new energy. Realize even as your frequency shifts your physical body will need to make adjustments as well.
For many years I have waited for change to happen. There was the Age of Aquarias, the Harmonic Conversion, the Hundredth Monkey, the end of the Mayan Calendar, and many other events in between, all of which seemed to promise huge shifts in consciousness and transformation. As far as I could tell nothing happened. I was the same old mess I always was, and the world was the same nutty place.
Of course my first problem was that I was waiting for something outside to change me inside. Alas! It doesn’t happen that way.
So when I came across Paul and the guide’s books, I was slyly skeptical. In a very short time, however, I became aware there is an energy at work here that I had not consciously encountered before. I first became more hopeful, then ready to answer the challenge of working on myself and with spiritual help and guidance allow myself to be worked with. It continues to be an invigorating, stretching and lively journey. (And I thank you all for letting me travel with you!) I find it difficult to describe exactly what is different about all this, but I know it is real.
We are now offered a choice again. We are participating in the expanded energy of healing and vibration, and by actively participating in the process we are also affecting everyone and everything around us.
This is a constant and continual process. “Word I am Word through everything before me.”
Now, many of us are doing this, in the ways described in the book which not only shares the energy, but also a vocabulary and explanation to go with it.
“If you have one high frequency and you place it next to one that is lower, the lower frequency then sees that it can go higher and attempts to resonate with the higher, and that is what is actually happening here. We’re resonating at a high frequency. We’re bringing this frequency to you and saying, “Yes, you can have it. It’s here if you want it. Come on board, the view is much nicer from up here,” so then you climb aboard through these exercises.”
Not everyone is going to resonate with these books, but everyone who has the willingness and intention to grow and evolve is going to be part of this process, and eventually that means everyone. None of us knows what is going on inside of another and we are advised not to evaluate or judge by what we see on the outside. So let’s not waste our time and energy trying figure out someone else, or trying to evaluate the rest of the world, let’s focus on our own growth and transformation.
What we and others are doing is stepping into what Rupert Sheldrake referred to as a “morphogenetic field.” Simply put when a physical, mental, psychological or spiritual barrier is in place, there is a tremendous amount of inertia that needs to be moved through, BUT once that breakthrough occurs the barrier begins to dissolve and it becomes much easier to move through.
An example of one of these barriers on a physical level is the 4 minute. For years it was thought to be an impossibility. Many came close, but no one made it through. When Roger Bannister finally did it in 1954, he opened the gate, many runners followed afterward.
Spiritually, Jesus (and others) became One with the Christ Consciousness opening the door to and for each one of us to follow, and as we move forward we create a space for others to do so also.
The guides have informed us that the density of the energy around us is much lighter than before, almost as if we were living in a cramped little box, and now the box is open; we can stretch and grow.
The time has come.
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