Wednesday, June 17, 2015


                                     P. 227-232

Just a general reminder: all of the prayers/affirmations in this text, which are usually indented, are statements of truth that is happening NOW. 
Oftentimes we think of affirmations as being a thought, idea, quality or material thing we are desiring to manifest. In this book, all the subjects of affirmation already exist; we are affirming their truth when we say them out loud or to ourselves.

“I am one with my Creator and I am journeying to my place of unification with that consciousness. As I identify with that aspect of the self that is the Creator, I rise in frequency and the journey commences quickly.”

Much of this chapter is about answering the question, “Who are you?” As I’ve mentioned many times before most of us are confronted with a similar question as children, “Who do you think you are?”  Like most of you I was completely befuddled. I felt I was being accused of something, and I was not sure what it was, and I did not have a clue as to how to what kind of response to give. Today it would be wonderful to answer, “I am a holy child of God, unconditionally loved—-and so are you!”

How you express God, love, the Christ through you is not dependent on your job or anything else. It is simply your willingness to express God though your being as a doctor or teacher or window washer. Doesn’t matter.

There is so much happening on all planes of existence, not just this material world, and this is not a passive process. 
Through your willingness and intention you are an active participant in continuing to create this loving universe.

Something else I’ve said before, “The good news is you are not who you think you are.” You are not letting go of yourself so much as you rereleasing those forms, those lables, those old definitions that no longer serve you. And by doing so you can become more deeply aware of the truth of who you truly are.

The practices that are encouraged here are about being in your knowing, and operating from that truth. We’ve looked at a few examples of what that means, but I realize the concept can still be a bit confusing.

Very simply, if you are reading this, you are in your knowing. You “followed” your knowing to get here, you are in your knowing as you read this. 

Of course, then you might ask, “When am I NOT in my knowing?” I guess the answer to that one is "You are always in your knowing, you are just not always aware of it.” 

That is what being Aware and affirming "I am in my knowing" is all about. When I affirm "I am in my knowing" I immediately go to a different place of awareness than my everyday consciousness.

I realize this shift in thinking takes practice. 

“I am Word through my body. Word I am Word. I am Word through my vibration. Word I am Word. I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word.”


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