Thursday, December 11, 2014


“The Word is God in action.”
and you are Word.

Just a reminder: the ego and intellect are always thinking that we need to be a step further along the way than we are. “You should be meditating more; if you are really spiritual you wouldn’t react that way, etc.”

What the intellect and ego cannot grasp is that there is NO measuring device for spirituality or spiritual growth. You are simply where you are in your process because you cannot be anyplace else! The action to be taken is not to do more, but to embrace yourself where you are (or where you perceive yourself to be), and that acceptance will move you forward.

The second inquiry Victoria makes regarding what she asked for in the meditation is a beautiful reflection on being gentle with yourself. So what if I asked for success, financial security and a nice place to live. As the book suggests—when you have those things it might make your spiritual search much more successful!--and pleasant.

There is also the subtle indication that our desires will change as we move into higher frequencies. Just be aware of that. Notice the thoughts, desires and beliefs that seem to fall away as they no longer serve you. You can grieve their loss as sometimes might be necessary, but then you can relate them and notice how you are nurtured in even better/healthier ways.

I did not want to get bogged down in the addiction thing, but it seemed some exploration was necessary relating to what was said, “Imagine you’re an alcoholic and you climb the ladder and you ask to stop drinking, or you ask for another drink. It depends on what you need.”

That freaked me out a bit, until I realized that a person might need that next drink to “hit bottom” or come to the realization that they do have an addicted problem.

A class member asked if saying, “I am an alcoholic” was a burden? Others would ask if we are making that part of our identity by saying the words “I am…”

Let me just give you a brief history. AA was founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith. They both knew that one of the greatest barriers to healing was the refusal to admit one had a problem. Hence the emphasis on claiming/owning and therefore being responsible for (in this case) drinking or not drinking. The words, "I am an alcoholic" were not meant to be an over-identification with an illness, they are meant to be a realization and acceptance of a condition, and once that realization and acceptance were in place, positive action could be taken.
Again, we are in territory that the intellect cannot fully understand. 
There is another expression in AA--"Surrender to win." which makes no sneak at all to the thinking mind. However, on a spiritual plane when we surrender the ego's  attempts to control what it cannot, we open the door to the spiritual power that CAN and WILL transform the situation.

Even though for many people, our spiritual language has changed, and we recognize the Power of “I am” statements, it is still quite common to hear, “I am a diabetic; I am bipolar, etc.”
For some people that kind of statement would truly be a reflection of their (over) identification with an illness, but for many people what they really mean is “I have diabetes: or “I have this or that disorder.

To me, claiming my addiction is not a burden alt all. First, I know it is not who I am, but also naming it and claiming it give me the opportunity to be responsible in dealing with it, and make available to me all the spatial tools of transformation.

We don’t always realize it, but most illnesses/diseases/malfunctions affect us on all levels of our being, spiritual,mental, emotional, and spiritual. Alcoholism is no different. In order enhance my health and my recovering I need to be working on all those levels. Personally I find recovery to be tremendously freeing, not a burden at all.

OK—if anybody wants to pursue this issue more you can let me know in the blog comments or get in touch with me personally. I would be more than willing to explore this.

There are any number of important ideas about manifestation here. 
Know that we can create on many different levels, and the when we open ourselves to the level and awareness of Christ Consciousness our creating takes on a whole new dimension.

The scribe of this work, Paul was having some fears and negative thoughts about his health during this part of the dictation, but humbly allowed his feelings to be a learning lesson.

Now in the past I learned that if you had fears about your health you would probably create disease. Well, that made perfect logical sense at the time,
but as I sat with it some more I found myself becoming afraid of my negative thinking, and then I became afraid of being afraid and on and on and on. I was trying to get rid of fear by being afraid of it???????!!!!!!!!!!
Doesn’t work; can’t work.

The book made a very interesting statement:
“For the last two days he’s (Paul) been frightened about healing issues and that does not mean he will create illness. However, it does mean that he creates mental constructs that he then has to make so with his conscious intentions.”

So instead of being afraid of my fear and how it’s going to create illness, I become aware of my fear and the negative thinking connected with it and realize the anxiety I am creating are lowering my frequency and blocking the positive free flow of energy. Now I have to opportunity to LOVINGLY change that. 

The chapter ends with a marvelous prayer/affirmation claiming present and future health.
“I am Word through the body that I inhabit throughout time. And any form the body takes in any lifetime is magnificent and acclimated to the frequency of the Word. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

You are actually engendering, yes, to send a light out forward into the future through this present time that anchors the vibration of the Christ into physical form and that will project healing into the physical body. But to focus on disease, of course, undermines healing. It does not always bring forth disease, but it sure doesn’t make it easy to be in your health. So we acknowledge this, Paul, and we say to you this: You are healthy, you are healing, you are healed. And you are choosing now to stay in a healed body. “I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

Those of you who have studied Reiki realize that one of the 2nd degree symbols actually transcends the barrier of time and space—so not only can we heal the past, but we can laso heal the future. Why not?



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