Wednesday, December 17, 2014


A strange and wonderful thing happens at the beginning of this chapter—Recognition.

Up until this point my intellect, my thinking/ego-based mind has been digesting this material, attempting to figure things out, “get a handle” on what is being said, and trying to compartmentalize the information and teachings into some bite-sized, understandable pieces that bear some resemblance to aspects of spirituality it is already familiar with.

My mind has been sailing along singing, “HIDEHO, here I go…” (you might be reminded of Shel Siverstein’s The Missing Piece), and saying to itself, “Here I go on another quest, another journey; it will probably be exciting and interesting for a while, then it will probably crash and burn or just fade way like so many other spiritual projects I’ve taken on. Besides, it’s going to take me God knows how many lifetimes to get to where I need to go.”

But wait; take a look at this:
“So we say to you now, you are in a growth process, and we are deciding now to bypass a program that was set in place by you, by all of you, that this kind of growth towards spiritualization, towards understanding yourself as spirit, would take many lifetimes.”

What? You mean I can “get it” now/soon??????

“You are reading this book, you are hearing this voice, and you are already comprehending that you must be on a path because you are intrigued and you are excited and you are believing the possibility that you can incarnate as yourself at a higher frequency while existing in this life you are living in now. That is the radical message of this teaching, and it is happening today.”

Sure, I’m intrigued; I’m excited, but do I really, really believe in this possibility????

And here we need to pause for a moment and become aware of that part of ourselves that sits in doubt. We are not judging this piece, we are simply examining. And if you look closely you will see that part of the self that rests in doubt is also afraid—afraid it might be duped, set up for disappointment. So it uses fear as a form of protection. 
“Don’t believe this because you might be disappointed, devastated even. It is better to be wary than to be hurt.”

We need to move through this one, and there are at least two ways of doing that.
One is to remember that marvelous statement from a father asking Jesus to heal his son. “Lord, I believe, help me overcome my disbelief.” Hey, that’s me. 
Don't make it a struggle. Just know that if a spark of belief is there—and it has to be if you are reading this, then that spark is enough to grow with. Remember belief is not a feeling.
And that leads me to the second “method” one which we have mentioned quite often, and that is WILLINGNESS AND INTENTION. Please notice these are not feelings either, they are acts of the will, choices we make, a focus we choose. How do I know my intention and willingness are true/are real? 
If you are reading this then they are. We are not here out of idle curiosity. Sure there is part of me in doubt, but there is also part of me that is in hope and excitement and, above all, OPENNESS. Trust that.

“When we say we are bypassing a programming, we are actually intending to bring forth a resolve in your energy system to take the brakes off the car and to speed up a process because this is the time when this can be achieved. Because the energies on the planet lack the density that they did in the past and the requirement of consciousness to change is imperative. This is happening now, this is happening now, this is happening now.”

“When we bypass the programming that has been in place that’s stated a soul can only go so far in one lifetime, we are being economical, we are doing this in a succinct way to bring about the intended passage in your consciousness that will bring this shift into fruition.”

“You have each decided already prior to incarnation that this would be the lifetime that you would manifest yourself fully in consciousnesses. And while this has retained its memory in your being in a subtle way, many of you only now are waking up to this possibility through the actions of this text and the circumstances that led you to read it. This chain of events has been in place for many years, and this is the time that the chain is opened and inclusive and everyone is coming to it.”

“This was not about anything other than the requirement of consciousness to become one with the Christ manifestation on this plane that has been intended for two thousand years. This is a time of recognition of who you are.”

What is required of me now? Two things:

  1. stay on the bus!!!!
  2. continue to be aware of that aspect of self that believes he/she is worthy of this journey:                                                                                                  “that small piece of the self that smiles in recognition to this work, and says, “Yes, this is what I think is so,” “Yes, I understand this,” and “Yes, I am willing to believe that I can be on this journey.” That small aspect of the self now must become enlarged…”

I would encourage us all to read/pray/study the affirmations and prayers on the next few pages(100-103)—over and over again. Not only will that be a continuing expression of your willingness and intention, but also your participation in this process will raise your frequency and that of all beings. It will do this in ways that are so beyond our ordinary thinking that we cannot even try to grasp the implications, but the events, circumstances you are creating are cosmic in nature.

Jesus stated, “Behold, I make all things new.”

Word I am Word in creating a New and Wonderful World. 
Word I am Word through this intention. 
Word I am Word.

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