Friday, March 6, 2015


p. 151-156

I think we can all be in agreement that “Boulders” are more patterns of thought and behavior than they are physical objects in our living space, and we are all in the process of clearing, cleansing, and dismantling old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serve us.

When we “Word” something, “Word I am Word” through this pain in my shoulder, or my anger, or my willingness to grow, or whatever it might be, we are literally taking that thing, that pattern or that pain and raising it to a higher frequency so that:
  1. it can transform,  
  2. be released;
  3. or so we  hold it differently, see it, relate to it in a different way.                 

Our statement of “Word” is an affirmation of our willingness and our intention. 
What I was lead to discover in speaking this past week was this progression: 

1)Awareness(of the pattern, problem or pain I wish to release OR what I wish to enhance); 
2)willingness and intention; 
3)affirmation and prayer(taking the “formulas” right from the book.) 

I was also blessed with this funky little image of the guides/angels/Holy Spirit helping us along the way. There is an Olympic sport called “Curling.” It seems like a form a shuffle board, but instead of a puck they use this stone with a handle on top, and instead of a wooden surface it’s on the ice. Well, one of the competitors “bowls” the stone to the target a number of yards away. Here is where it gets interesting. Two or three other team members have these “brooms” and are sweeping like maniacs in front of the stone to make the path smoother, get rid of any debris and also to help guide it (without touching) to its proper place. 
So the work and effort is ours—the throwing and aiming of the stone, but there are guides and angels who are working like crazy to help it get to the right place.

Here’s a little youtube clip if you’ve never seen it before.

I found the book to be a little confusing in speaking on surrender.

At first it says:

“When we speak of surrender, and we speak of surrender as, “God, I can’t handle it, I can’t take it, it is too big for me,” what you are doing is you are releasing a boulder and you are aligning to the great powers that will clear it for you. We are doing the same thing with intention to the extent that you understand “I am Word” is not the ego self, it’s not the personality. It is the Christ within you that achieves the work and deserves the glory. “I am Word through my problem” brings that action to the problem.”

And then:
“Now Paul is wondering, “Can’t we just say, ‘I give up’? Can’t we just be powerless? It’s so much easier than memorizing a meditation or standing on a corner and seeing everybody as perfect.” We can say yes, if you want to surrender, you will be worked with at that level as well. ”

Those two forms of surrender seemed pretty much the same to me, although the guides seemed to suggest that the second one—Paul’s “I give up”—-is quite limited.

The clarifying point comes right after this:
“But if you can understand that one of the things that will happen, indeed, when you create a new pattern is that in likelihood you will be required to confront that thing that you have created and say, “I give up. I give it to the Christ. I am Word through this thing I see before me. Take it, take it, take it,” you are also saying, “I am in the process of reclaiming myself as my Divine Self.”

One of the ways I make this distinction is that there is "helpless" or “victimhood” surrender—the kind that says “I can’t do it; I will let God (as an outside source) do it for me.” and “empowerment” surrender when I realize in my current state of mind and awareness I am not able to change or handle this (I’m doing the same thing expecting different results), but I am willing to be be open to be guided by God and Spirit to hold this thing and work with it differently. In other words I am dropping the ego’s solutions and opening up to my soul’s solution. Surrender in this case is the recognition of a power greater than my ego which is truly in charge, but which also a part of my Self.

The paragraph on p. 155 beginning with “Now to the extent…” is asking us to BE GENTLE with ourselves. PLEASE!!!!!!!!! 

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