Monday, April 6, 2015


p. 181-182
well, not many pages today, but a lot of substance.

I emphasized this quote before, and I feel it deserves repeating:

“To see the soul of another man is a huge gift. To look into the eyes of a woman and see the perfection that she truly is is a magnificent moment. To lay the hands on a child in the knowing that child can be healed is a deep privilege in service to your Creator. We do not do this from a place of ego. We do this from a place of liberation of consciousness. And part of the liberation of consciousness is, of course, to realize how completely interconnected you all are as energy frequencies. You are a huge group of energy configurations tied together, bumping into one another in your perfection all the time. The illusion in the separateness of your Creator has manifested finally in the belief that you are separate from one another. And the first step towards realizing your unity with your Creator is to understand that all men are one.”

A continuing reminder here: what this book and this chapter are all about is expanding our awareness beyond limitations. Those limitations could be self-imposed, such as , “Well all these psychic gifts or skills you are talking about are for people who are much more spiritually advanced" or a more subtle one is, “ I don’t really need/want that stuff.” 
We did not invent most of these self-imposed limitations, we usually took them on from other people and other learning that we have done. There are also many limitations that come from our heritage or cultural background,   “The Irish are this" or that "Portuguese are like that” or that “Catholics think this way.” Take your pick. Our minds are full of that kind of useless trash. It’s worse than useless; it's harmful. Those limiting and separating kinds of ideas have put us in a box.

There are two sides to letting go of limitations. One side we have already worked with and examined: “Boulders” working on those things that are dead weight, those thought patterns and behaviors that no longer serve us. Most of us are pretty adept at identifying the boulders, and even working on them, and I do not want to deny that piece.
There is another side, though that deserves at least an equal amount of attention and that is focusing on the gifts that you already have and are consciously putting to use. Gifts like compassion, self love, gratitude—they feed my soul and honor my limitlessness, my infinite connection to the Divine. DO MORE OF THAT!

During our gathering a question came up around the paragraph:
“A practice of meditation will support this greatly and we recommend it highly to the serious student of study of spiritual growth. But at this moment we want to say even the girl who has no time to meditate has the right and the privilege of hearing herself and knowing her own mind.”
There was a lot of energy around this one, and I will attempt to remember as much as I can concerning the flow of our exploration.
I believe what is being taught here is that practices which can open us, calm us, put us in a state of surrender, receptivity, and the present moment can all allow us to raise our level of frequency to “hear” and listen to our Higher Self.
And that listening might be in words* or images or memories, bits of a song or a piece of poetry that sparks something within us.
*We might not “hear” words, but as the book states, the frequency of the thought or idea is imprinted in our energy field and is translated as words.
I think many of us who have sought guidance and direction through prayer have “heard” the answers in that way.

We spoke a bit about some formal methods of meditation, but the gist of what most people shared was much more about informal or non-defined periods and practice of mediation.
For instance:
setting the alarm a few minutes early so you could be awake and aware of you inner world before you start the rat race of the outer world; to have one of those many kinds of mediation books at follow the calendar year—to read the passage of the day, and just sit with it for a moment or two with you coffee or tea; there is a suggestion in 12 step literature that advises us to “pause when agitated” and when we do, we can open ourselves up to guidance and assistance; simply stopping for a moment and taking a few deep breaths. 
These are just a few, and all of us are doing little practices like these all the time. 
Once we have been introduced to a greater awareness, we will always be aware of when we get back into that contracted or limited state. We might not realize it right way, but we will.

Another reminder here: many times NTI (The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament) will tell us not to be angry or annoyed at yourself for falling asleep, but to be grateful for waking up.

(NTI) HEBREWS 5 (v 11 – 14)1Rest assured that sleep does not harm you. 2Forgive yourself when you notice you have fallen back into sleep. 3But realize this also:

4If you are noticing that you fell back into slumber for a time, then you are not within slumber now. 5For you do not notice slumber when you

are deep within it. 6If you are noticing now, now must be a state of

awakening. 7Rejoice, and use now to practice awakening. 8Through its

practice, the state of awakening shall increase.”

I would encourage us all to become more aware of our own little practices of awareness, making room for listening to the Spirit, and be aware that even if you do not have a specific form for entering into the quiet,  your willingness and intention pave the way for your ability to listen and hear.

So at this moment in time we say to you:

“I am now choosing to hear myself, to know myself, to communicate with myself in the higher frequencies. I know what I know and the fear-based voice is being replaced once and for all by the Higher Self, the Christed Self that knows who he is. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

Now you have set this intention. You will set it again when you forget it again. “I am hearing my Higher Self. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.” This will support you.”

Thank you


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