Wednesday, April 1, 2015


p. 176-181

As my ego struggled with becoming enlightened and having all these seemingly exotic spiritual gifts, I came to this paragraph which seems to be the perfect description of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience (without all the hype):

“To see the soul of another man is a huge gift. To look into the eyes of a woman and see the perfection that she truly is is a magnificent moment. To lay the hands on a child in the knowing that child can be healed is a deep privilege in service to your Creator.”

Such a beautiful passage, and one that lets us know we have already used these skills, perhaps quite often, without thinking about it. 
As the book states this is not a book on psychism, it is a book abut claiming our inheritance and using all of the creative God-given skills we have for the betterment of ourselves and the world.

“The illusion in the separateness of your Creator has manifested finally in the belief that you are separate from one another.”
We might usually look at this the other way around, and I guess it really doesn’t matter what we think comes first, just so we realize separateness is not the truth.

There were Christian saints who would go into an ecstatic trance in saying the words “Our Father” and that is as far as they would get in saying the Lord’s Prayer. I’m not quite there yet!

I’m at the stage where I am intellectually aware of my Oneness with God, and that all of us are One also, but I am not living out of it yet. My bouts with judgment, self-centeredness, anger, fear are continuing reminders of where I need to go. So instead of dwelling on the negative, here is where the adage, “Work with what’s already working” comes in. 
Decide for yourself what are those times, those circumstances, those activities that allow you to experience Oneness and DO IT MORE!

“Going back for a moment to the treatise on perfection that we began with: If you are perfect in a higher frequency and you can begin to accept this and make the decision, “Yes, I can accept this,” and then the second decision, “Yes, I am willing to believe that I can incorporate and inhabit the gifts of the spirit through my consciousness to develop the abilities of responding, and seeing and feeling frequency at a higher level,” then you will say, “I am ready for this.”
We are not making you supermen. We do not ascribe to that belief. We are saying you are already, you just forgot it. You forgot it. You forgot it. Period.”

And the next step is “for you as a culture is to begin to respond to yourselves as Divine Beings.”

This is where we are headed. As each one of us becomes willing our whole energy changes and we change or raise the energy/vibrational level of all beings.

And anther key phrase here: “You can support the transformation of your fellow through your own perfection.” How about meditating on that one?

All of these skills and their practice are bringing us to a deeper awareness Oneness. 

A few thoughts on the exercise we did at the closing of class.

It might have seemed a little bit freaky stepping into someone else’s skin and even being that person for a moment, but really we have done this one already as well.

I was reminded of that overly used question a few years ago, “What would Jesus do?" and you could put any in there, Buddha, Mother Theresa, or your Saintly aunt Jane.
Notice what you are doing here. You are not just thinking “What would….do?” You are literally stepping into their being and feeling or seeing as that other person would. You did that without thought, without effort, and you also probably received the information you required as well.

One of the things we are simply doing here is bypassing the intellect and opening to  deeper knowing and awareness.

Next section will explore “hearing” and listening to your inner voice.

I would suggest you explore the question, “How can I tell the difference between my True Inner Voice instead of that of my ego.

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