p. 268-280 (I have combined two classes here)
“…we want you to understand that the decisions that you make when you are in response to a crisis are the decisions that change the trajectory of your life and path. And most of you move immediately into fear when you are faced with circumstances that surprise you, unsettle you, and make you believe that your world is about to be challenged.”
I am sure most of us are aware that fear is not productive response to life crises, but I think for most of us there are stages to our growth.
Stage one might be outrage, feae, anger, blame, etc. The ultimate stage are all working for is described in a wonderful Zen expression, “My house burnt down, now I can see the moon!”
Most of us land somewhere in between.
I also think it is important that although we might be moving for an ideal here, that we do not deny or try to hide from the normal human feelings that arise for each one of us in the midst of crisis. Indeed, I think how we handle the feelings that arise are just as important as how we handle the crisis itself. And now that I say that I realize most of what we are being asked to handle are the feelings that arise from a crisis.
What follows in the book is a look at choices. I know that for much of my life my response to crises or triasls was quite reflexive. Like pushing a button—crisis-anger, fear, blame, avoidance, panic, etc.
Today all those same feelings are still here, but after the “knee jerk“ reaction, which I do not need to give in to, I have a choice. I can respond to the situation with love, openness to guidance, and willingness to learn. (even if I don't like it).
“When you do this with the intention to acknowledge your power as a co-creator of your life, you stop being a victim. When you are not a victim, you have choice. When you are in choice, you are in your power and you are not frightened. And the trial, then, becomes a gift of change that is making itself known to you through your circumstances.”
And now here where this book becomes explicitly different from many others.
“Now we are talking about this in a very practical way. We are discussing this as if this is something that happens that you can attend to practically, and we also want to speak about it energetically. And this is a different way of approaching the same issue because, in a funny way, we’re going to bypass conscious response for a moment in favor of understanding that you have an opportunity at a frequency level that you can work with as well.
you can do one of two things. You can move into a higher grace and understand that you are encountering your fear through taking affirmative action
“or you can stay in fear and take a fear-based action. And these are two very different things.”
We are not just speaking of doing something differently or simply responding differently to a crisis situation. We are speaking of becoming consciously aware of living in the frequency of fear/no choice OR living in the frequency of co-creative energy. In other words we are not just examining behavioral change. This teaching goes much deeper than that.
“When you manifest the Creator in a situation, when you become aware of the presence of the Christ in a situation, the situation is transformed. ”
“When you understand that the Creator’s action, the Word in action, is present in a situation, you can move that situation.”
and as the book mentions a little later on:
“This is not just about retraining your behavior. If you change the behavior but you do not change the consciousness that acts as the catalyst for the behavior, the behavior is really not changed.”
We are reminded that that we are not about “fixing” someone or something. Fixing is always about the past—trying to get something back to the way it was. First of all that can’t work, and secondly life circumstances are about learning not regression.
I think of all those "three wish" stories when inevitably whatever is wished for is cancelled out by the wish to get things back to the way they were,
I think of all those "three wish" stories when inevitably whatever is wished for is cancelled out by the wish to get things back to the way they were,
Reminding us again of frequency and vibration—remember we are are holding and reading/or listening to a book here in the physical world, and that allows us to learn through our senses and intellect, BUT we are also being energized, guided, and taught on a level of frequency by the guides and teachers of this book.
Now that does not have to be terribly weird. Just imagine the difference between listening to a book being read by a disembodied voice on a computer, as compared to having that same book read to you by someone you love. Get the difference?
Well here you read and are being read to by someone who loves you. It changes the whole game.
“If you are very angry at somebody and you choose not to act on that anger, that is a benefit in many ways to you and to the party you are angry with. However, this is very different than unclogging the blockage that has required you to be in the system of anger to begin with. When you are unclogged, when that pattern that created that anger is no longer in service, you do not act from it because it is not there to act from. The memory of it may exist, but that is quite different than acting on something that is currently operational. Do you understand this?”
And finally today, I believe it is tremendously important to claim the changes and transformations that are taking place here for each one of us. We acknowledge and honor our learning, we honor and acknowledge the movement of the creative force of God within us. We are open and willing to allow these continual aspects of growth and transformation to be part of our lives.
“On a consciousness level of frequency, you have been transformed by the energies that are operating here at a higher level if you have given permission and engaged with the processes that we have suggested. Because they are actually designed to bring you to a higher frequency and to acclimate your field to the Christ vibration, which is, as we have said, what you truly are. Period.”
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