OK, Let’s explore p. 54-57.5
Three major aspects here: 1) a simple, powerful explanation of the process of Transformation (we are into just getting rid of something from the past, and not just passively opening ourselves up to good thing synth future. We are becoming an ACTIVE part in producing this positive shift with the Creative Energy of the Divine.
2) Distinguishing an old style of prayer, what I call the “Please, God, OH, Please God, Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssse, God” kind of prayer from what is talked about in #1—realizing and working with the creative force and divine within.
3) God/Love/the Universe—whatever words you want to call the Divine Presence is NOT an indifferent or impersonal force. It’s essence is love, not mechanics (garbage in/garbage out). It cannot be explained or understood with the mind/intellect. Essentially, IT is mystery that can only be embraced with the Heart.
Here is the outline for this process of transformation:
1) Claiming the Intention; 2)Acclimating to the (new) frequency; 3) Receptivity to the results.
I realize that most of us think we SHOULD be asking for something deeply spiritual here, but the field of what you want and ask for is wide open. (If you want to skip ahead a bit you can read what the guides have to say to Victoria about just this same kind of situation. see p. 88-89 in the text.)
“I am Word through this intention to….(fill in the blank). Word I am Word.”
Now, since you have created a new/deeper/different vibration/frequency with your intention, you now need to acclimate yourself to it.
If I decide that I want to be more loving and compassionate, I am going to have to allow myself to get used to that new vibration. How does it feel to have my heart more open? What is it like to be more aware of another’s pain?
I’m sure you can think of many more examples.
Then there is the third step: “I am in my reception of my intentions, reaping the benefits of that which I have called forth into being. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
There are many things that can happen here, and I am working on becoming aware of as many as I can.
Let me keep it simple and a little silly. Suppose I want an apple, and I make my prayer/affirmation/intention:
“I am Word through this intention to have an apple. Word I am Word.”
I could discover that I am sitting under an apple tree, and that would be very cool. I could find myself driving by an apple stand. I could discover I have a dollar in my pocket and walk to the store and buy an apple. A neighbor could stop by my house and gift me with an apple. (Think of some more.)
Any or all and many more possibilities could present themselves in my quest for an apple. Acclimating myself to the new frequency of “appleness” allows me to be more and more aware of these possibilities.
And in the third step I am not just passively aware, I am open to receiving.
The text now makes that prayer distinction—between the "Please, please me" prayer and what the book calls “stating your own worth as the receiver of an answered prayer.”
When I was still living in a deeper sense of separation consciousness, those "please me" prayers were truly from the heart, so I do not want to take anything away from them. Now we viewing prayer, not as a request to someone or something out there. We are understand prayer as being the claiming of our Creative Power.
Last piece today.
As all of us became more and more familiar with the language of creating our own reality and manifestation, the word and concept of "Universe" began to replace the word and concept of "God."
For many people that was simply a way of releasing old ideas of a God out there someplace who judged and punished, etc., but I always felt there was something missing.
I understood the metaphysical concept that negative thoughts create a negative reality, and that on some level our creative power works on a computer-like mechanized basis (garbage in-garbage out///you have a negative program you are going to get negative results).
But something was still missing. I couldn't imagine a sick person coming up to Jesus and Him saying, “Oh, sorry, garbage in, garbage out!”
Where is the love, where is the grace, where is the compassion?
So I’m going to have to continue doing my own work with this one. Ultimately there is a space where God and I are One. Until I am There all the time I am going to continue to be aware of grace, love, compassion, accepting responsibility for my own creations, asking for help when I feel stuck, and loving the Mystery of it all.
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